Dear Editor,
Another crime against our school children is being considered by the school district personnel. It is to dump the children out of the busses on to the streets to get home on their own to save money for the schools and maybe their salary?
In all our neighborhoods, mine too, live many child molesters who would like to pick up these children and take them for a ride to where?
We need to educate the ones who know this but choose to ignore it. What an asinine solution! I do hope the Oakdale schools or any school is not getting away with his. How dare they!
Our laws protect predators. They do not protect our children! Predators have no rights. These rights have been lost when a child is destroyed. They should pay the price.
By the way, the NASA space ‘Trekkies’ should stop looking for amoeba in space to learn gobbledy gook from them and give the money to our children here on Earth who will be speaking and reading gobbledy gook unless they get educated. Those billion $$ this ‘Trekkie’ program has spent would have created miracles in learning here on earth. We are regressing as a nation.
Jean Hawkins