Have you seen it? Seen what? The picnic table pavilion on the Valley Home Community Center Park site. Yes, it has happened. The park construction has started again and is moving along nicely. Next group of things to get accomplished is the laying of the cement for the pavilion floor, the sidewalks and other miscellaneous pads, the installation of the sprinkler system, the electric wiring, and then on to the next group. Now is the time when volunteers will be welcome. E-mail park@valleyhomecenter.com if you are willing to help. And if you are driving by the park site tonight about 6:30 p.m. and see a group of adults sitting under the pavilion roof enjoying the shade, it is only the community center board of directors holding its first meeting on site. Holding a meeting where the action is, so they say, is the best way to get it right. Don’t be surprised if there are many more meetings there.
Across Pioneer Avenue at the Valley Home School there also should be action as word has been heard that a working party of volunteers will be digging trenches for a sprinkler system and then laying sod on the parcel between the gymnasium and the office building. When finished, these two parcels will really spruce up the area.
Last week’s column mentioned that there were a couple of items still left to report. One report is that the CHP Officer will continue to monitor the speed limits in the Valley Home area. Traffic is way too fast. He also reported that the current budget crisis has not affected the CHP strength at present. There are no budget cuts currently planned.
This last Saturday there was a report made to the Oakdale Rural Fire District that there appeared to be a fire near the corner of Pioneer Ave. and Pleasant Valley Rd. north of Pioneer. The fire district made a prompt response and within twenty minutes, the heavy black smoke had dissipated. Another incident rapidly put under control due to an alert resident. In these troubled times, we must all be alert for the emergencies.
Happy Anniversary wishes from all their Valley Home friends and neighbors go this week to Murray & Pat Day and Marianne & Jim Orvis.
Due to our really overly hot weather and not wishing to add to the heat, David Hempleman, Cynthia Jones and Austin Jones decided to forego having candles on their birthday cakes this week. We are only kidding! Happy Birthday to all three!
All his many Valley Home friends send loads of wishes to Richard Mullins for a speedy recovery!
We wish a safe and happy Fourth of July to all! Many of our Valley Home residents are fortunate enough to be able to enjoy viewing the spectacular aerial fireworks held at Woodward Reservoir right from the comfort of their own backyard! That is just one of the benefits of enjoying life here in Valley Home.
Across Pioneer Avenue at the Valley Home School there also should be action as word has been heard that a working party of volunteers will be digging trenches for a sprinkler system and then laying sod on the parcel between the gymnasium and the office building. When finished, these two parcels will really spruce up the area.
Last week’s column mentioned that there were a couple of items still left to report. One report is that the CHP Officer will continue to monitor the speed limits in the Valley Home area. Traffic is way too fast. He also reported that the current budget crisis has not affected the CHP strength at present. There are no budget cuts currently planned.
This last Saturday there was a report made to the Oakdale Rural Fire District that there appeared to be a fire near the corner of Pioneer Ave. and Pleasant Valley Rd. north of Pioneer. The fire district made a prompt response and within twenty minutes, the heavy black smoke had dissipated. Another incident rapidly put under control due to an alert resident. In these troubled times, we must all be alert for the emergencies.
Happy Anniversary wishes from all their Valley Home friends and neighbors go this week to Murray & Pat Day and Marianne & Jim Orvis.
Due to our really overly hot weather and not wishing to add to the heat, David Hempleman, Cynthia Jones and Austin Jones decided to forego having candles on their birthday cakes this week. We are only kidding! Happy Birthday to all three!
All his many Valley Home friends send loads of wishes to Richard Mullins for a speedy recovery!
We wish a safe and happy Fourth of July to all! Many of our Valley Home residents are fortunate enough to be able to enjoy viewing the spectacular aerial fireworks held at Woodward Reservoir right from the comfort of their own backyard! That is just one of the benefits of enjoying life here in Valley Home.