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Odd Fellows Holiday Crafts Fair Scheduled In La Grange

Fall has finally arrived and the holiday season is fast approaching as well. The La Grange Odd Fellows can help you get ready, with gifts galore at their annual Holiday Crafts Fair. Join in on Saturday, Nov. 4 from noon to 5 p.m. at the historic Odd Fellows Hall, 30018 Yosemite Blvd., in downtown La Grange.

Enjoy the festive atmosphere and browse the artful crafts in the banquet room of the 1881 vintage Lodge Hall, the site of many town celebrations and Odd Fellow fundraiser events.

Crafts people, artists or vendors are welcome, it’s $35 to reserve a space. Setup time will be 10 a.m.

Call Sandy Ledford for more information, 209-769-3766.

Meanwhile, the traditional La Grange Odd Fellows breakfast has been cancelled this month. Normally held on the second Sunday, it would have been hosted on Oct. 8.

Organizers said they will be back in force next month, on Sunday, Nov. 12 with the regular menu of a ham and cheese omelet, sausages, biscuits and gravy, and all you can eat pancakes. Complimentary coffee and orange juice round out the meal. Ticket prices are $8 for adults, $3 for kids ages 6-12, those 5 and under eat for free. Takeout meals are available at a cost of $8.50.

The Odd Fellows of Lafayette Lodge #65 have been serving the town of La Grange since 1857. For information on the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, call Chris Stevenson at 209-853-2128.