Do you know someone who gives of their time, treasures or talents at incredible levels? Perhaps they use much of their time volunteering for worthy causes, or maybe they are amazingly generous with their funds, or they inspire others to be significant contributors. You may know a young person who dreams up projects to help others and rallies their friends to join in. You might be thinking of a retired colleague who always went the extra mile to help charitable causes.
Take a few minutes to honor the person or people you are thinking of right now by nominating them for a National Philanthropy Day (NPD) Award. It’s fast and easy. Awardees will be publicly honored at an inspiring awards luncheon in November and will also receive $100 to be awarded to the charity of their choice.
There are six categories from which to choose when making your award nominations: Outstanding Philanthropist; Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser; Outstanding Youth Philanthropist; Outstanding Fundraising Professional; Outstanding Corporate or Small Business Donor in Philanthropy; Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation, Service Organization or Nonprofit.
All nominations must be received by June 15, 2018 to be considered. To get a Nomination Form with instructions, visit the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Yosemite Chapter website at or call Karen Williams at 209-672-6643 to be mailed your form. For all categories, letters of support are encouraged.
The Yosemite Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) will be celebrating National Philanthropy Day on Nov. 8, 2018 at a luncheon hosted at the Gallo Center for the Arts. This is a special day set aside to recognize and pay tribute to the great contributions that philanthropy – and those people active in the philanthropic community – have made to our lives, our communities and our world.
“What makes philanthropy so special is that no one is required to give of themselves. There are no national laws or regulations which mandate that you must volunteer or get involved,” noted Melissa Van Diepen, Executive Director at Community Hospice Foundation. “Philanthropy is so powerful and inspiring precisely because it is voluntary – that through the goodness of our hearts, through our need to connect, through our desire to see a better world, we come together to improve the quality of life for all people.”
For more information, contact Karen Williams at 209-672-6643 or Amber Flores at 209-988-5451 or email to