We’re in the magazine business.
No, not to worry, we’re still in the newspaper business as well. Earlier this year, however, we began production of 209 Magazine. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to get a look, I encourage you to do so. It’s a nice glossy product, with informative and interesting articles relative to life in and around the 209 area code.
This latest issue is my first ‘attempt’ at being a magazine writer.
Prior to each issue we learn what the upcoming theme of the next magazine will be. In addition we are given a variety of topics/places of interest to choose from. As the newbie, I was a bit apprehensive and somewhat skittish about this assignment.
To be clear, it’s not an optional job. Magazine writing is now an additional piece to our already existing beats. So it is in the best interest of the writer to review the list and choose a topic which interests you. This makes writing that much easier.
Colleague Rich Paloma has been kind enough to include me in a few of his restaurant and pub visits. The first one was in Murphys. I still recall taking a photo of the spread of food before us and sending it to a friend via text message. The words accompanying the text simply read … This is work?
I’ve shared before; I do believe it’s a blessing to love what you do. Much to my surprise the magazine business has increased and enhanced my love for what we do here.
Feature writing is how I came into the news business, so magazine writing seems to give me the opportunity to do that a bit more. The current issue added to the fun, as I was able to revisit (just a bit) my early roots in the Fashion/Retail business. Spending time talking shop, holiday and trends with some really fantastic women business owners. Following one interview I even mentioned to a friend, I think I missed my calling. I should have been a magazine writer. To which she promptly replied ... “Uh, you are.”
So there it is. I guess in a very small and quirky sort of way, I am.
Increasing the reward and benefit was my seven-year-old’s discovery of my newfound job fun. At one of my three stops I had to do a little ‘trinket’ shopping. When my daughter inquired, I shared they were just a few things I’d picked up while finishing an ‘assignment.’ As of last week she has shared with her father that when she grows up she wants to be a magazine writer and have mommy pose for photos. This is a graduation of sorts from her long love and interest in being a Barista at a local coffee shop. The kid has big goals. What’s not to love?
So here we go; another chapter to an ever budding and changing career and business. We’re a long way from where I started in this business, but then again so is technology and our reader base. That’s the way of the world, ultimately and personally I find it exciting to have such a prominent seat. Thanks for reading.
Teresa Hammond is a staff reporter for The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News and The Escalon Times. She may be reached at thammond@oakdaleleader.com or by calling 847-3021.