(Editor’s note: This letter was submitted to The Leader with the request to run in this section, although it was directed to Mayor Farrell Jackson.)
Dear Mayor Jackson, City of Oakdale, CA
I was saddened this Memorial Weekend when I visited the Oakdale Citizens Cemetery to place flowers at my family’s sites. The cemetery grounds were in extremely poor condition. This showed a total disrespect for those Loved Ones that are laid to rest there.
I live in the state of Washington and only have the opportunity to return to Oakdale once a year to pay visit to my parents’ and relatives’ gravesites. Otherwise, if I were closer, I would be in a better position to tidy up, weed and water when needed around the cemetery grounds.
However, this upkeep should be the responsibility of the groundskeeper — as fees have been paid for this purpose.
I realize the economy is not in the best of conditions, but shouldn’t the resting place of those who helped build the City of Oakdale into what it has grown into today, be kept in, if not the utmost perfect, but at least decent conditions? The City and those employed to maintain the cemetery grounds should have the decency of respect to honor these former citizens. As I do not know who the present caretakers or management company is for the Oakdale Citizens Cemetery, I believe this is an issue that should be dealt with by the Oakdale City Council — and a review of the operating practices and procedures should be undertaken.
I would ask that your council please advise of the course of actions you will be taking to resolve this issue.
Evelyn Shatswell Herling
Richland, WA
Dear Mayor Jackson, City of Oakdale, CA
I was saddened this Memorial Weekend when I visited the Oakdale Citizens Cemetery to place flowers at my family’s sites. The cemetery grounds were in extremely poor condition. This showed a total disrespect for those Loved Ones that are laid to rest there.
I live in the state of Washington and only have the opportunity to return to Oakdale once a year to pay visit to my parents’ and relatives’ gravesites. Otherwise, if I were closer, I would be in a better position to tidy up, weed and water when needed around the cemetery grounds.
However, this upkeep should be the responsibility of the groundskeeper — as fees have been paid for this purpose.
I realize the economy is not in the best of conditions, but shouldn’t the resting place of those who helped build the City of Oakdale into what it has grown into today, be kept in, if not the utmost perfect, but at least decent conditions? The City and those employed to maintain the cemetery grounds should have the decency of respect to honor these former citizens. As I do not know who the present caretakers or management company is for the Oakdale Citizens Cemetery, I believe this is an issue that should be dealt with by the Oakdale City Council — and a review of the operating practices and procedures should be undertaken.
I would ask that your council please advise of the course of actions you will be taking to resolve this issue.
Evelyn Shatswell Herling
Richland, WA