Dear Editor,
We have been watching the campaign signs go up and the mass mailings go out for the School Board election. As parents of four children in the Oakdale Joint Unified School District, one having graduated from OHS, a second at OJHS, a third in 5th grade and another entering Kindergarten in 2010, we wish to voice our support for the incumbents for Oakdale School Board; William Dyer, Mike House and Rick Jones.
My wife and I strongly believe that a School Board election is about finding the most caring, talented, thoughtful, business minded, individuals to serve. Leaders who are entrenched in the community and willing to sacrifice their time from their families, for the interests of the students, parents and faculty of the School District; Individuals who are prepared to make tough decisions when necessary. This election is not about “who you know” but rather about “what you know.”
Oakdale School District’s incumbents, Dyer, House and Jones have dedicated years of their life, offering their leadership, knowledge and experience. They have been proven successful. They have participated directly, in conjunction with Administration, teachers and innumerable parent volunteers in making Oakdale School District one of the finest. There are too many examples to cite, but our School Board may stand proud and proclaim they have used their proven business skills to “stretch” dollars that has so far kept Oakdale’s schools financially solvent and poised in position to continue to give our teachers every opportunity to educate our children. Most importantly, our test scores are among the highest in the county. I could go on. Thank you Oakdale School District! Thank you to all who participate and work on a daily basis to educate our kids.
These three gentlemen, Dyer, House and Jones have the best interest of our children at heart. There is no doubt these are very difficult financial times. We need to keep the School Board intact. Now is the time for continued strong leadership, which these men have proven. Please join us in voting for Rick Jones, Mike House and William Dyer on November 3. Our students do deserve the best.
Tom and Belinda Dunlop