Exciting events in Valley Home! Next week is our Valley Home National Night Out Celebration. Please come out and enjoy an evening of delicious food and much fun as we celebrate together our beautiful little community! As we have for many, many years we will once again gather and enjoy visits from our First Responders, CHP, Sheriff’s and Fire Department personnel ... our County Supervisor Buck Condit and other public officials. We have been blessed with amazing and caring visits from our First Responders and our Supervisor in the past.
As always you are invited to bring your favorite dish to share; if you don’t have time to prepare or grab a dish to share, no worries, just come on down to the park and eat as there will be plenty for all. The fun starts at 6:30 pm; dinner will be set out on the picnic tables so help yourself and there will also be games on the lawn area. Visit with friends and neighbors, chat with and say “Thank You” to our amazing first responders. It will be a great evening, an evening to enjoy old and new friendships! At dusk everyone is invited to enjoy a delightful fun family movie so be sure to bring a blanket/chairs for your comfort. Remember the fun starts at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, August 2nd at our Valley Home Community Park!
The excitement continues the next night, Wednesday, August 3rd as our Valley Home School invites everyone to their “Back To School Night.” Come visit your child’s classroom, meet their teacher, ask questions, enjoy time in their school environment ... it’s going to be a great School Year!
As most of you already know, we will soon be saying goodbye to Susan Lee as our Valley Home General Store owner. Susan has been here for us for many, many years. She and her helpers have taken great care of our community. For years our Valley Home kids have looked forward to those huge tasty candy bars at Halloween time; during the parade they could always count on those delicious treats from Susan. On parade day out would come the table and it soon was piled high with yummy goodies in front of the store. Our Valley Home students and our Valley Home Community have the most wonderful memories. Thank you, Susan! Our Valley Home School students have for years been able to leave school at lunch time and visit the General Store; a very sacred and special way of life. Our community loves you, Sue; we wish you a most blessed retirement, dear friend!
As always you may contact me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233. Until next time, “Happy Trails To All!”