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Taste Of Oakdale Hits The Road

If necessity is the mother of invention, the Oakdale Chamber of Commerce, along with local businesses, have proven that if there’s a will, there’s a way.

Especially with the upcoming Taste of Oakdale event, scheduled for Thursday, May 27 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., which will be a traveling food event.

Pre-COVID-19, the Taste of Oakdale brought local restaurants into one space as a way to reintroduce or introduce local eateries to the community. With COVID-19 restrictions, the Chamber staff had to think of a new way to achieve the same benefit and came up with a traveling option.

Nine businesses are listed as participating in this year’s event, including:

·         Cocina Michoacana

·         Cottonwood Café

·         Firenze Ristorante

·         Kona Ice Ripon

·         Oakdale Fit Nutrition

·         Roberts Ferry Gourmet

·         Stevie’s Pizzeria

·         VIP nutrition

Ticket holders will meet at the Oakdale Chamber of Commerce office building, receive their wristband and start their food tasting with Kona Ice, which is a traveling truck, and Firenze, which is a short walk from the Chamber offices.

Tickets are $15 in advance and can be purchased online ($25 at the door) or at the Oakdale Chamber of Commerce office, 590 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale.

For more information, call 209-847-2244.