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Knights Ferry News Week of January 29, 2014
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At the MAC meeting last Thursday, Ric Feichter was chosen President and Dolly Haskell is Secretary. During Citizen Forum, the Oakdale Rural Fire Department and Rick from Stanislaus Consolidated talked on the possible merger of the two districts. Oakdale City Fire does not want to merge but will contract for services. If they merge it should have more resources available. Consolidated would own all and that raised a question of our local fire station since the town built it and sold it to Oakdale Rural for $1.00. If anything happened the station was to revert back to the town. Hopefully a Fire Board meeting will be held in the Ferry and the town can get some answers. Kristin Dowd from Stanislaus County Planning Department spoke on the Core Area and the minimum parcel size in the Historical District that passed and is going to the Board of Supervisors on February 11th at 9:05 a.m. Also mentioned was that the Thompson subdivision was incomplete and they cannot act on it. Dolly read a letter from AT and T stating they have the permit issued to begin expanding the telephone building. One problem that might come up is the use of the Plaza for parking their equipment. Dolly wrote them explaining the town’s use of the area. Dolly Haskell and Cliff Howse were sworn in as newly elected members and Brent Noon was absent.


Heard that a rattlesnake was out and about, it has been warm enough for them!


Rhiannon Hawthorn went to the Gallo Center to see “Beauty and the Beast” for her birthday.


Lee and Mary Sue Shearer went to Modesto to see granddaughter Gwyn Davis perform in the Stanislaus County Music Festival. Gwyn has been selected to perform in the band for four years. Also playing in the band this year was Knights Ferry alumni Sophie Jones.


It is almost February so get the calendar and mark these dates. Feb. 2- Breakfast Sunday at the I.O.O.F. Hall 8 to noon, Feb. 6- Community Club dinner meeting at 6:30 at the clubhouse, Feb.11- Museum Associates meet at Miller’s Hall at 9 a.m., Feb. 12- Garden club meets at Carol Davis’s home at 10, Feb. 13- Knights Ferry School Board meets at the school at 5:30 p.m., Feb. 14- Valentines Day, Feb. 27- MAC meeting at the clubhouse at 7 p.m. Come to these and get involved in your community!