Anna Perrone, KFS Seventh Grader, had an exchange student from Japan spend the summer. Her name was Karin Watanabe and she was 12 years old. The Perrone family, Mark and Monica and son Paul, along with the girls toured Yosemite, San Francisco, Ironstone, the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, went to a Giants game and did the local scene. This exchange program is through the California 4-H family Cultural International Exchange and LABO Development in Japan. Monica Perrone said this is a great program for the children.
The Noe family has a total of 10 rattlesnakes killed on their property. Beverly called for John, Bonnie’s husband, to come kill this last one as it was in the dog pen with the dog!
Dolly Haskell had a schoolmate visit, Leslie Dumller from Scott’s Valley. It was a 40-year reunion.
At the Knights Ferry School Board meeting, it was announced that Oakdale, who provides lunches, has raised the price for hot lunches to $2.75. The Knights Ferry Grammar School Foundation reported their donation of $9,000 to the school’s General Fund. The Foundation also needs new members and money. The Foundation is again putting on a 50’s Dance on Friday, October 16th. This is a fun way to raise money to help the school in these tough times. Thanks went out to the Knights Ferry Odd Fellows for their donation of $1,000. The teachers are getting everything in order for the August 20 opening.
Ken and Linda Morris have friends from Checotah, Oklahoma, visiting. Bill and Sharron Tootill are out for a couple of weeks. They belong to the same mining club as Ken and Linda and have been prospecting with them. Linda kept getting a signal on her metal detector but it was just a beer can!
The October 10th Motorcycle Run sponsored by Millers Hall Museum and History Associates has hit a snag. It is now postponed to next year due to illness of the committee chairman.
Pat Pfefferle has returned from visiting her son, Will Johnson, who is stationed in Hawaii. They hiked the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. They hung out on Oahu and visited the aquarium. Will has received his BA in Fire Management.
The Oakdale home of Brent and Amanda Bell was the setting for the outdoor wedding reception of Hannah (Abbott) and Jake Garrett last Friday. They greeted the guests and all enjoyed the music and good food. Hannah’s theme was birdhouses with each table having a decorated birdhouse in the center. The favors were cookies shaped like bird nests with eggs. They will honeymoon in San Francisco then it is back to school in Utah.
The Oakdale Rural Fire Board meeting is Thursday, August 20th at the Knights Ferry Clubhouse at 10 a.m.