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Knights Ferry News April 2, 2014
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Don and Gayle Diltz have returned from a trip to Dana Point where they went whale watching. There were Grey Whales and lots of dolphins. Then they went to Capistrano and got in on a St. Patrick’s Day celebration. They spent 4 days in that area and then went to Palm Springs where they enjoyed the 82-degree weather. In Indio Don and Gayle went to a date farm where they learned all about how they pollinate each tree by hand and then they got to taste a variety of dates.


Condolences go out to Dave and Laura Simons on the death of their two Corgi dogs just a month apart.


At the MAC meeting California Patrolman Anthony said all has been quiet in the area. He commented on the death of the 5-year-old in Ceres that darted out in front of a bus exiting the school grounds and how parents should not pick their children up in an unsafe manner. MAC member Brendt Noon commented on the number of late night walkers on the road around the park. It will be patrolled more often. MAC member Dolly Haskell told that our fire station is on brownout on the Car Show and Peddler’s Faire when there will be a lot of people in the town. MAC member Ric Feichter told of the Oakdale Rural Fire Board holding its meeting in the Ferry and no one knew about it, just a posting in the firehouse window. He attended because he needed to open the clubhouse for them. Items discussed by the Fire Board included the merger talk with Consolidated. Seems that the idea is to close the Ferry station and build one at Wamble and the Highway. Also Oakdale City is looking at closing their main station and building one at 28 Mile and the Highway and closing Valley Home’s station. Seems that Knights Ferry and Valley Home need to keep up on what is happening and the Fire Board needs to let town folk know about meetings!


Former Knights Ferry resident Amanda Lamb was given a lovely wedding shower last Saturday. Amanda is marrying Eric Beltrami next month.


Don’t forget Thursday, April 3rd is the Community Club dinner meeting at 6:30 in the clubhouse.


Saturday, April 5th is the Classic Car Show in the Ferry from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cars will be on display around town and the park with shuttle service available.


Sunday is Breakfast Sunday at the I.O.O.F. Hall on Main Street from 8 to 12.