The Knights Ferry Community Club was PACKED for the meeting on the Post Office last Thursday. The Manager of Marketing for the Post Office from Sacramento, Susan Donaldson, was there to give three options for opening the Post Office. Also attending were Congressman Denham’s representatives Bob Rucker and Wendy Rodman. The guests came early to tour the museum and the Post Office. Three possibilities were given and a paper ballot was passed out to vote on which one was best. The majority voted for the Contract Post Office (like what we had). Many people commented on the treatment from the Oakdale Post Office and she will look into that. Mail will be put in your boxes Friday!
On Friday the Post Office was decorated by the school children with posters and cards welcoming it back. Temporary hours are 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Mail was delivered! Soft opening will May 23rd with supplies delivered.
On Tuesday, May 31st the opening of the Post Office will be celebrated with Congressman Jeff Denham at 11 a.m. All are welcome! Come and show your thanks!
Welcome to the world Rose Clyda and Ruth Marie Pearl Basmajian, born to Andrew and Bethany. The family is leasing the General Store and hope to have it open soon
Congratulations to Lisa Franklin Frymire on being selected for the Knights Ferry School Board.
The General Store is working on an opening for the Memorial weekend. They are working fast and furiously to get their ducks in a row.
At the Oakdale High School’s awards ceremony, the Knights Ferry Garden Club awarded their scholarship to Devin Odom and the Knights Ferry Community Club awarded their scholarship to Alex Pena. Congratulations boys!
Linda Morris is home recovering from knee surgery and is doing fine.
The Kindergarten class at Knights Ferry celebrated Teddy Bear day with each of them getting a teddy bear made by Natalie Brockman. What a fun time.
Hanna Holland took All American Honors and the Humboldt State team won the NCAA Division 11 West Regional Championship and now is going to the Nationals in Denver, Colorado. Go Jacks!
Lee and Mary Sue Shearer attended the Confirmation of granddaughter Claire Krippner at Modesto Covenant Church.
Condolences go out to Winnie Mullins and family and the Valley Home community on the death of Richard Mullins.