The memorial service for Sherron McCarthy will be Saturday, April 9th at the Knights Ferry Cemetery at 1 p.m. There will be a potluck to follow at the clubhouse.
Knights Ferry had a clean-up day before the Car Show to get the town picked up. Tristan Voortman manned the grabbers and his sister Dakota learned how to use a weed eater thanks to Tracy. The town looks good!
The car show was great. There were over 150 cars entered, parked in the main part of town. There were many people looking at the different makes and models. The Creamery had a line going out the door as people took advantage of the weather to eat ice cream. The Fire Department had their tri-tip sandwiches for sale and the Knights Ferry School Junior High had hot dogs for sale with teacher Randy Russell manning the grill. Dale Himes and the California 99ers, all graduates of Oakdale High School, provided music for the occasion. Miles Shuper and his group of volunteers did a great job. There were a lot of sponsors that helped with the expenses. Great Job!
Gordon Griesner and Bob Muller went fishing in the Delta and Gordon was Captain of the boat. Bob thanks him for maneuvering the boat so he could catch the biggest striper!
The Post Office situation is being worked on. There is a meeting in Sacramento this week to discuss the bonding, one person, two, or the History and Museum Associates. There may be a meeting called of the community. Will keep you posted.
Pat Ramont Johnson enjoyed celebrating granddaughter Violet’s first birthday in Oregon.
Knights Ferry Community Club meets April 7th at 6:30 p.m. for a dinner meeting.
Put the date April 24th on your calendar for the Gold Country Peddler’s Faire from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Army Corp Park. Admission is free.