In exactly one week, Knights Ferry School will open their doors to nearly 150 students! Teachers are putting the finishing touches on their classrooms and they are looking fabulous. Remember drive safely in town and watch for eager students walking to school!
The Oak Summit Assembly #128 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG) hosted a prime rib dinner and auction fundraiser on August 4th. The young ladies raised money to attend the California IORG’s annual convention Grand Assembly next year in Ontario, Ca. They made homemade desserts that were auctioned off after dinner. Guest speaker, Mrs. Erin Cafaro Mackenzie spoke about her Olympic experience as a two-time women’s rowing gold medalist. The Rainbow girls were inspired to never give up on their dreams. All who attended enjoyed catching up with old friends all the while making new friends as they supported the Rainbow girls on their way to Ontario, Ca. The fundraiser was an immense success!
The Post Office continues to progress into the 21st century as they purchased a new computer and Windows 10, it was about time to move on from Windows Vista! Don’t forget to continue to purchase stamps from your local Post Office in Knights Ferry.
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Wednesday, Aug. 8 at 7:30pm Odd Fellows Rebekah’s #361 meeting;
Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 9:00am Miller’s Hall meeting.
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at