David Voortman received the first Assigners Choice Top Athletic Director award for the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section. David has served for 20 years as athletic director and/or administration at Big Valley High School. Congratulations, David!
Several Knights Ferry citizens who subscribe to Velociter Wireless for their internet provider have complained about their service in the community. At the request of a local citizen, two technicians from Velociter Wireless attended the last MAC meeting. The two technicians did their best to answer questions and gather information to take back to their office. Also, we have been lucky enough to have the CHP and Sheriff present at the monthly MAC meetings. They encourage locals to call and report any disturbances or problems in town.
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Sunday, Sept. 1 8am-12pm Odd Fellows pancake breakfast
Tuesday, Sept. 3 at 7:30pm Odd Fellows Stanislaus #170 meeting
Thursday, Sept. 5 at 6:30pm Community Club meeting
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com