The river is fairly high and water safety cannot be stressed enough. I am so grateful for the fire department’s full-time presence. Thank you to all the individual and committee efforts to make it possible. It seems that most water rescues are not locals but, as a local, my heart sinks anytime I hear the sirens, hear the helicopter, or see the fire rescue crews dropping the boat in the water. Knowing the fire department is open full-time rather than part time helps put my mind at ease that help is at least nearby. Thank you fire crews!
The Knights Ferry Creamery has officially opened their inside area to the public after serving their customers through the window for about a year! In other news, the Creamery had a plant and a planter damaged by the heat radiating from smoldering ashes. It is unclear whether someone intended to catch the planter on fire, left hot ashes, or possibly left a lit cigarette butt that may have caused the damage. Thankfully, a local saw the smoke and safely handled the situation. Even though the damage caused was minimal, it could have been worse!
Amanda and Randy Russell had their baby Jedidiah dedicated at their seventh annual Wedding Fest. They were kind enough to invite anyone who wanted to have their baby dedicated as well. What a beautiful way to celebrate the union of a beautiful couple!
Happy anniversary Lee and Mary Sue Shearer!
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at
Weekly reminders: Odd Fellows Bald Mtn Canton #2 meeting at 7:30pm on June 23, 2021.