Happy birthday to all the May babies: Jeanette Krick, Gary Page, Mary Sue Shearer, Sue Schlageter, Wendy Feichter, Rilyn Cassaretto, Vincent Peterson, Deagan Sweet, Bob Hunter, Hanna Holland, Chris Lopez, Maria Arias, Kelly Stanley, Jamie Coston, Laura Simons, Dave “Gee Whiz” Azevedo, Dave Simons, Samantha Blanc, Emalee Watson, Wyatt Birdsong, Madison Watson, Hayden Sundberg, Grace Feezell, Jacelyn McDonald, Bella Link, Maddox Link, Lucas Link, Zoie Vierra, Macey Davids, and Zachary Moore. And special birthday to hugs to the Verkaik family as they celebrate and remember Ryan Verkaik’s birthday and the Russell family as they celebrate and remember Ryan Russell’s birthday!
The school events are out of control in the month of May and the students’ calendars are filled with end of the year field trips, awards assemblies, state testing, and graduation! It’s a very busy and exciting time for the students!
Last week was the school wide talent show where students could sign up in solo or group talent acts. Some of the special acts included bunny raising, branding, somersaults, singing, and dancing. The talent show is a fun event for students to boost their confidence and self-esteem in a safe environment. The 5th graders held a bake sale to help raise money for 6th grade camp, the Student Council sold drinks, and the students attending Washington, D.C. sold hot dog and tri tip meals to raise money for their trip. The Parent Teacher Club hosted the talent show and raffle.
The 3rd and 4th graders are preparing for their field trip to the Rosie the Riveter museum in Richmond on Tuesday. I can’t wait to hear about the trip!
The 8th grade graduation will Thursday, May 31st. Mark your calendars!
Welcome baby Bodhi Daniel Turner! Baby Turner was born on April 20th, 2018 to Jason and Mary Turner. He is the couple’s third child. Mom and baby are healthy and doing well.
David Voortman and family traveled down south for his commencement from Concordia University. He received his Master’s Degree in Coaching and Athletics Administration. Congratulations David!
Expect the river flows to be very high for quite some time. Last weekend it was up over 2000 cfs. Respect the river and wear life jackets. It’s not a joke when the river is this high!
Kody Simons and Jordyn Scoville said “I do” in front of their friends and family on May 5, 2018. Congratulations to the newlyweds, may your years be filled with lasting joy!
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Wednesday, May 9 at 7:30pm KF Rebekah #361 meeting (ODD Fellows Hall)
Wednesday, May 16 at 7:30pm Bald Mtn Encampment #4 meeting (ODD Fellows Hall)
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com