Ballots have arrived in mailboxes and a race of local note is that for a vacant seat on the Oakdale City Council.
Four candidates have thrown their hats in the ring, seeking to fill an unexpired term, left vacant when former council member Ericka Chiara stepped down. The candidate receiving the most votes in the Tuesday, June 7 election will win the seat.
Bob Amaral, Kayleigh Gilbert, Jennifer Harris and Anthony Pratt are seeking the post.
The Leader posed a set of six questions to all four candidates; following are their responses. Candidate responses are used in alphabetical order.
Question 1: How long have you lived in Oakdale?
Over 32 years.
Q2: What is the primary reason you have chosen to seek the vacant council seat?
As a regular attendee to the city council meetings since 2017, I have not always been in agreement with some of the decisions made. I’m hoping to make a difference, as an addition to the current city council.
Q3: In your opinion, what is the largest issue facing the city at this time?
Growth, I’m OK with family homes and senior housing being but my concern is with a lot of dense, stack, and pack type housing. As a retired correctional officer I know that there is a direct correlation between this type of housing and higher crime rates. We need a balance that meets the needs of all Oakdale citizens.
Q4: How do you feel the city can work to attract new businesses?
Make Oakdale more business friendly. Keep sales tax low. Minimize all regulations associated with doing business.
Q5: What qualities personally do you feel you would bring to the council?
Gray hair. My 68 years of life experience. Common sense. Conservatism. A willingness to listen to the concerns of the citizens of Oakdale. Also, having served over 20 years in the Department of Corrections, I learned how to interact with a wide range of personalities.
Q6: Why should someone cast their vote for you?
By voting for me I believe we can all work together to help maintain, and preserve the quality of life we have come to know by living in the city of Oakdale.
Q1: How long have you lived in Oakdale?
I have lived in Oakdale almost my entire life. I am fifth generation Oakdale. My family has been active in our community for the past 130 years.
Q2: What is the primary reason you have chosen to seek the vacant council seat?
I was asked by my Soroptimist president to start attending city council meetings to keep our Soroptimist sisters informed about what is going on in our city. After attending the meetings I realized a great portion of our community wasn’t being reached after reading posts on local Facebook groups. I want everyone to feel welcome to be a part of our city. I want our small businesses to have a voice. I am easy to reach and can save anyone a seat next to me. I believe I can help promote our city more on social media.
Q3: In your opinion, what is the largest issue facing the city at this time?
I believe the largest issue facing the city at this time is our downtown improvement. I know many business owners are concerned how this will affect their business on Third Avenue. They need to know the City of Oakdale is there for them.
Q4: How do you feel the city can work to attract new businesses?
Our city can attract new business by working closely with the Oakdale Chamber of Commerce who promotes our small businesses and offers them a support network. Our city can also attract new business by working closely with Visit Oakdale, the organization that is promoting tourism in our city. Tourists stop in our town on their way to the Foothills. They spend money which goes to our small businesses. It also generates tax revenue from the sales tax accumulated.
Q5: What qualities personally do you feel you would bring to the council?
The qualities I believe I can contribute to our City Council are I am a woman of my word; if I say I am going to be there I will be. I am energetic and I love our city. I always want to help promote our service clubs, small businesses, and events on social media. I am accessible. If you have a question regarding anything going on in our city that I know about I do not hesitate to hand out my phone number.
Q6: Why should someone cast their vote for you?
Someone should vote Kayleigh Gilbert for Oakdale City Council 2022 because I am energetic and enthusiastic about helping our community. I believe if you want anything good to happen to your community you have to step up and help serve that same community. I can offer a young nonpartisan perspective when voting on issues. I believe in researching each item on the agenda and voting after being well educated on the issue at hand. I also believe I can make everyone in our community feel welcomed at our City Council meetings.
Q1: How long have you lived in Oakdale?
I have lived in Oakdale for a little over 25 years now.
Q2: What is the primary reason you have chosen to seek the vacant council seat?
I felt led to step up and serve the community as a whole. I have the time and energy to do the necessary research before voting on agenda items.
Q3: In your opinion, what is the largest issue facing the city at this time?
I think a large issue facing Oakdale at this time is the downtown Third Avenue project. I think it is going to be great when it is done, but I truly hope our small businesses don’t take a huge hit in their finances while construction is going on.
Q4: How do you feel the city can work to attract new businesses?
To attract new businesses the city can make it time effective and efficient when applying for a business permit or license. The Chamber of Commerce works to support and help businesses get their name out in our community.
Q5: What qualities personally do you feel you would bring to the council?
As a city council member the qualities I will bring with me are my honesty, transparency and willingness to do the research and make an informed decision. I am willing to listen to people’s perspective and ask the question the community wants to know but may be afraid to ask.
Q6: Why should someone cast their vote for you?
If you choose to vote for me, know that I will be thorough and thoughtful in my decision making. I have been doing the research since I started running for this position to find out how to do the job to the best of my ability. I truly care for Oakdale and love this community and want to see our small town values stay intact.
Q1: How long have you lived in Oakdale?
I have lived here in Oakdale for 4 years now.
Q2: What is the primary reason you have chosen to seek the vacant council seat?
When I got out of the Navy, I always questioned my purpose. I am sure 99 percent of veterans feel that way. I contacted the city clerk right away for information but it was too late to pull papers. I believe everyone should serve their community the way they deem necessary. I am a strong minded individual with great leadership potential and will be the voice of our community when it comes down to everything. I am well organized and will educate myself until I understand something 110 percent. There are great leaders in the community and I would love to be an addition to the council to better our community.
Q3: In your opinion, what is the largest issue facing the city at this time?
Resources from the county. Everything for mental health to homeless resources and drug addiction is located in Modesto. A lot of people would love to have those resources closer and more readily available to them.
Q4: How do you feel the city can work to attract new businesses?
The project like the Third Avenue project. Oakdale has a lot of great history. We keep that but try to make the rest more appealing on the main road. People from Oakdale or who grew up here will always know this is a great place for business anyways and that we try our best to support local. That alone is great for any person to start a business here.
Q5: What qualities personally do you feel you would bring to the council?
I have learned a lot from my military experience. The one thing I can say is that I am not intimidated by anything or anyone. When I say community first, I mean that. My vote on certain things will be because I have gone out and talked to people that it may impact. I am not a politician and will take into consideration how my community feels before every vote.
Q6: Why should someone cast their vote for you?
I am in this for the long haul. I am not going anywhere. If you want someone for the people and actively involved in the community with youth sports (so you will see me everywhere). I am easy to talk to and approach. I do not care if you see me out and about, if you have a question, ask me. I plan on being available 24/7, 365 for my Oakdale community.
Local residents have the opportunity to meet some of these candidates for the Oakdale City Council in a special forum on Thursday, May 19. The local branch of AAUW, American Association of University Women, is sponsoring a forum for the candidates. The event is scheduled from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 277 N. Second Ave., Oakdale.
Candidates Kayleigh Gilbert and Jennifer Harris both accepted the invitation; Bob Amaral declined and Anthony Pratt was undecided at press time, though he may appear at the forum.
The League of Women Voters, a non-partisan organization, will moderate the forum and it will also be streamed live and stored on the Oakdale city site at
No campaign literature or signs will be allowed in the room.