Oakdale High School’s Care Closet, known as Veronica’s Care Closet, for less fortunate students is in great need of some re-stocking prior to the Christmas Break. The last day of school prior to the break is Friday, Dec. 20.
Care Closet manager and counseling office secretary Dana Hernandez said that they really need non-perishable food items for Christmas meals, as the Closet was completely depleted for Thanksgiving, and also items for Christmas presents. She added that right now there are about 15 to 20 OHS students in need.
Hernandez said coupons for turkeys or hams, and donations of non-perishable food such as boxed stuffing, instant mashed potatoes, canned goods, hot cocoa, marshmallows, and such would be appreciated.
She also said that there are a couple of options to help students with Christmas presents. Gift cards in $25 or $50 increments to local area bargain stores, such as Kmart or Target, may be donated to the Care Closet and they’ll be distributed to students. She explained that a student could buy a pair of pants for $25, or they could get pants, a shirt, and maybe some socks for $50. Hernandez noted that Care Closet supporters may also “sponsor” a student in need by contacting her and she can set it up for the supporter to shop for a boy or a girl and provide the clothing sizes so the person can go out and shop for the student. The items, which are especially nice if they’re gift wrapped, may then be returned to Hernandez who’ll then pass them along to the appropriate students.
Items must be delivered before the end of the school day Friday, Dec. 20 so they can be distributed to the students in time. Contact Hernandez in the OHS counseling office at 848-7111 or e-mail her at dhernandez@oakdale.k12.ca.us for more information.