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NOTICE: The names and incidents printed in the Police Log are obtained from the daily log of the Oakdale Police Department, which is a public document. The listing of a name here does not imply that person’s guilt or innocence. That can only be determined by a court of law.



6:33 a.m. – Non-injury accident on North Sixth Avenue and East F Street involving a pickup versus a passenger vehicle.

7:33 a.m. – Warrant arrests made on North Yosemite Avenue after a report of a white female adult was yelling at vehicles and walked into the roadway.

8:28 a.m. – Threat complaint reported on California Avenue.

9:48 a.m. – Petty theft occurred on North Yosemite Avenue when a subject attempted to use a bad credit card and left the scene.

1:44 p.m. – Non-injury accident on West J Street and Ada Way.

4:26 p.m. – Reckless driving reported on West J Street and South Lee Avenue as well as the subject throwing candy at trick or treaters.

4:49 p.m. – Hit and run on South Fifth Avenue with damage to the front of the vehicle in front of the house.

8:51 p.m. – Public intoxication reported on North Second Avenue due to subject in the parking lot acting very strange.

10:56 p.m. – Juvenile complaint on Davitt Avenue regarding subjects knocking on doors with lights trying to trick or treat.

11:28 p.m. – Area check requested on River Bluff Drive and Cloverland Way due to four male subjects taking items off porches and running down the street.



12:21 a.m. – Petty theft occurred on North Third Avenue of a flag, and Halloween decorations.

12:47 a.m. – Disturbing the peace on West J Street due to a loud party.

1:22 a.m. – Animal incident on Crane Road.

1:24 a.m. – Area check requested on South Oak Avenue due to subjects in clown costumes in park area.

1:27 a.m. – Disturbing the peace on Meadowlark Lane due to a loud party.

1:28 a.m. – Disturbing the peace occurred on Ada Way due to a band playing.

1:50 a.m. – Driving under the influence on North Third Avenue.

5:23 a.m. – Petty theft occurred on West F Street of a 24 pack of water left in a vehicle.

5:23 a.m. – Suspicious circumstances on Little Johns Creek Drive involving the neighbors son that is in his vehicle in the driveway yelling and acting very strange.

6:15 a.m. – Stolen vehicle reported on East F Street.

6:20 a.m. – Reckless driving on Highway 108 and North Stearns Road.

8:54 a.m. – Vandalism occurred on Church Avenue involving a neighbor that threw feces; ongoing issue.

9:29 a.m. – Animal incident on Brett Avenue.

3:02 p.m. – Possession of narcotics paraphernalia on West Greger Street and Clydesdale Drive.

4:10 p.m. – Burglary reported on Church Avenue.

4:32 p.m. – Possession of an open container in public South Fifth Avenue.

6:48 p.m. – Petty theft occurred on Old Stockton Road.

7:01 p.m. – Missing person reported on Kiso Court.

7:19 p.m. – Petty theft occurred on East F Street of beer.

7:29 p.m. – Petty theft on Fairfax Drive of a work trailer off the back of a vehicle.

8:30 p.m. – Suspicious circumstances on West H Street.

9:45 p.m. – Battery reported on North Yosemite Avenue.

10:20 p.m. – Suspicious person on West F Street that was arrested for possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.

10:53 p.m. – Assault with a deadly weapon reported on South Third Avenue.



2:30 a.m. – Driving under the influence on Bevanda Court and West J Street.

4:57 a.m. – Stolen vehicle reported on Branding Iron Street.

5:48 a.m. – Recovered stolen vehicle on West Greger Street.

8:23 a.m. – Threat complaint reported on East F Street due to reporting party’s husband threatening her and being verbally abusive.

9:43 a.m. – Petty theft occurred on West F Street of flowers taken out of the flower pots in front of the business.

2:48 p.m. – Animal incident on East D Street.

6:47 p.m. – Suspicious circumstances on Wood Avenue and West F Street where a Ford Ranger is on the side of the road with three dog in it and has not moved since yesterday.

6:51 p.m. – Disturbing the peace on East C Street due to a loud party.

9:43 p.m. – Driving under the influence on South First Avenue and East G Street.

10:04 p.m. – Disturbing the peace on South Third Avenue due to loud music and stomping on the floor.

10:12 p.m. – Disturbing the peace on Big Sky Drive due to loud music coming from the backyard.



12:26 a.m. – Harassment complaint made on South Sixth Avenue.

2:42 a.m. – Battery reported on South Oak Avenue.

7:36 a.m. – Suspicious vehicle on Murdoch Court with flashers on that is partially in the roadway.

9:23 a.m. – Burglary reported on East F Street; materials were taken and there was damage to the door with a knife left on the floor.

10:23 a.m. – Public works detail requested on West H Street and Davitt Avenue due to flooding.

1:12 p.m. – Suspicious persons on California Avenue panhandling at post office door.

2:21 p.m. – Security check requested on North Yosemite Avenue due to subjects panhandling by the highway and stopping traffic.

2:25 p.m. – Vehicle hit and run in the parking lot.

4:12 p.m. – Public works detail requested on West F Street due to a large branch she believes is partially broken and hanging down over the sidewalk.

5:17 p.m. – Petty theft occurred on North Yosemite Avenue of a bottle of liquor.

6:56 p.m. – Driving under the influence on North Maag Avenue and Irvin Drive.

7:41 p.m. – Traffic stop on East C Street led to a warrant arrest.

8:23 p.m. – Possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia occurred on West J Street.

9:24 p.m. – Traffic stop on North Fifth Avenue led to a warrant arrest.