The California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) recently announced the selection of 25 local park projects that will receive grants totaling $16 million from the California Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program. This one-time competitive grant program provides funds for new youth soccer, baseball, softball and basketball recreation opportunities in heavily populated, low-income urban areas with a high youth crime and unemployment rate.
In this region, the project selected for a grant award was in Modesto, the Carpenter Road Area Soccer Fields. The $1,000,000 award to the city of Modesto will be used for the construction of natural turf soccer fields, irrigation, parking lot, security lighting and minor improvements.
Funding for the California Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program comes from the 2002 Resources Bond Act, known as Proposition 40. The $2.6 billion measure provides funds for a wide variety of parks, open space, recreation and land, air and water conservation projects across the state. Local agencies, recreation districts, school districts and community-based organization were eligible to apply. The grant program is administered by DPR’s Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS).
OGALS received 166 proposals requesting a total of $134,893,005. All proposals underwent a competitive review process by a team of professional staff members. The proposals were scored based on criteria that included community challenges and project benefits. Applicants provided demographic information (total population, median household income, and unemployment rate) using the California State Parks Community Fact Finder – Youth Soccer.
For more information about the California Youth Soccer and Recreation Development Program and other grant programs administered by the Office of Grants and Local Services, visit You can also visit the Office of Grants and Local Services on Facebook at