CalVet has introduced a new website to provide better, faster access to news and information for veterans.
This new site features current, relevant and timely stories about the work being done by the CalVet team, plus links to important veteran-related articles and video coverage from CalVet events.
CalVet Connect allows visitors more direct, self-selected, self-moderated access to information and gives CalVet officials a chance to connect with their audiences in the moment by responding to questions in real time.
Visitors to the website,, will also see CalVet Connect prominently displayed on the homepage with links to every new story. Just find the CalVet Connect tab, located at the center of the CalVet homepage.
Moreover, audiences can explore and find content on this site by simply selecting a category, which includes news, benefits, events, employment, veterans homes, veterans cemeteries and more. Visitors can also choose to become a ‘follower’ of the page and receive an email message or an alert (depending on how they choose to follow), at their desired frequency (weekly, daily or immediately), with a list of all the new content.
For more information, visit the CalVet Connect site.