Modesto Junior College students and graduates are invited to join the Career Development and Transfer Center for the Fall 2017 Job Fair on Wednesday, Sept. 20. The fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the outdoor area next to the Center for Advanced Technologies on East Campus, 435 College Ave., Modesto.
The bi-annual Job Fair provides employers with an opportunity to recruit and hire MJC students and graduates, and is completely free of charge to equal opportunity employers with current openings for full-time and/or part-time, hourly or salary based employment opportunities. No jobs based on commission only pay are permitted.
It is recommended that job seekers dress professionally to attend, bring plentiful copies of their résumé, and be prepared for the possibility of on-the-spot interviews.
Employers who have positions available and would like to participate in the Job Fair should contact LaKiesha McDonald at 209-575-6239 or A list of employers currently attending the Job Fair is available at
Employers who are unable to attend but have employment opportunities they would like to advertise to MJC students are also invited to call the Career Center or visit