Election Day – for the California Statewide Direct Primary Election – has long since passed but the numbers are still being tallied for the June 5 vote.
Lee Lundrigan, Stanislaus County Registrar of Voters/County Clerk/Recorder released a Stanislaus County Elections Update on Monday, June 11.
“Today the Stanislaus County Registrar of Voters continued with the canvass process of the Statewide Direct Primary Election,” Lundrigan noted in the update. “Scanning of the names of Election Day voters located on the polling place rosters was completed today. These signatures must be scanned and a review conducted to determine who has voted prior to the processing of the provisional ballots.”
Unofficial tally results released on Friday, June 8 can be found posted on the election website, www.stanvote.com
According to those figures, John Cox carried Stanislaus County with 23,772 votes cast for him in the race for Governor, with Gavin Newsom second with 17,656 votes. The top two vote getters statewide will have a runoff election in November for the gubernatorial post.
Also, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein tallied 23,688 votes in Stanislaus County, far outdistancing any competitor. In the bid for the State Board of Equalization, District 1, Tom Hallinan had a 29,863 to 21,054 vote lead over Ted Gaines. Superior Court Judge Office 2 saw Carrie M. Stephens holding a 47,150 to 18,713 vote edge over Crystal S. Swanson and in the race for Stanislaus County Superintendent of Schools, Scott Kuykendall had 28,795 votes compared to 20,545 for Shannon Sanford.
Local races of interest showed Jeff Dirkse with 35,861 votes in his bid to become the next Stanislaus County Sheriff-Coroner, with Juan Alanis at 32,063 votes. Incumbent District Attorney Birgit Fladager had 32,970 votes with 15,628 casting their ballots for challenger John R. Mayne.
Incumbent Congressman Jeff Denham was leading in the race to retain his 10th District Congressional seat, with 28,027 votes; next closest was Josh Harder, polling 12,723 votes in Stanislaus County. Incumbent Heath Flora had received an estimated 62 percent of the vote in the county, at 30,994 votes, outpacing challenger Robert D. Chase, with 18,785 votes in the race for the 12th Assembly District seat. In Senate District 8, Andreas Borgeas was at 14,113 votes – close to 61 percent – with 4,782 votes for Paulina Miranda.
Figures released by the Registrar of Voters office indicate there are 236,374 registered voters in Stanislaus County and the June 5 election saw 75,731 ballots cast – a turnout of about 32 percent. Of that total, the vast majority – 56,397 – were Vote By Mail ballots.
Over 600 volunteer election officers worked to support this Statewide Direct Primary Election, Lundrigan added. There were also 23 adopt-a-poll volunteer organizations, 26 student poll workers and 13 field inspectors supporting this election at the polls.
Stanislaus County Registrar of Voters continues the hand count of the 13 qualified write-in candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, United States Senator, State Senate Member District 12, State Assembly Member District 21 and Superintendent of Public Instruction. In those races all results from each of the precincts involved must be tallied and added to the statement of the vote to establish total votes received for affected write in candidates. To date the vote tallying equipment has been stopped 4,801 times for a hand review of write in candidates, although only a few have actually turned out to be certified candidates.
Currently being processed before they are ultimately counted are approximately 11,000 vote by mail ballots, 3,000 provisional ballots, 650 Election Day + three ballots, damaged, military, 7-day and miscellaneous ballots. Provisional ballots are voted at the polls when a voter’s registration is in question, or when elections records indicate the voter was already sent in a vote by mail ballot. Provisional ballots are sealed in special envelopes at the polls and must be individually researched and verified at the ROV’s Office before ballots are counted or rejected in accordance with election laws.
The office will be closed Wednesday, July 4 in observance of the Fourth of July holiday and, if necessary, the canvass will resume on Thursday, July 5. California law requires certification of this election to be on or before Thursday, July 5, 2018, which is 30 days following Election Day.
Leader Editor Marg Jackson contributed to this story.