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Inspiration And Intention
Mommy Musings 12-27-23

What will 2024 look like for you?

Yes, really, I’m posing this question.

I mean let’s face it, we’ve all been through the hills and valleys these past several years and now I think it’s time we all take a “shift” if you may or a pivot and look to the coming year with boldness in our belly.

I’m talkin’ no more “I hope,” “I wish,” or “I wonder” kind of talk. I’m talkin’ “I will,” “I am” or “it will be” kind of year.

Some like to talk about manifestation which I quite honestly think is another, more commonly accepted way of acknowledging prayer. Not everyone is comfortable with that line of thinking and I fully respect the idea and reality of manifestation.

So as I look to the 2024 year, I think of who I want to be. I’m sort of in yet another metamorphosis stage of my life as much has changed, while much remained the same over the past four years.

Okay, that’s a complete lie. Aside from my job, my car, my dog and a good portion of my wardrobe nothing looks the same in my life from four years ago – not even my kids.

This grown-up kid thing is a real transition and I can’t believe it’s not discussed more to help us mommies who truly had no clue.

Yet I digress … topic for another time. Back to 2024.

Looking to the coming year I think of what I truly want life to look like for not only myself, but my children, friends, family and yes even my community. I’ve started to think about where my free time can be utilized to help others and how I can give more by way of volunteering and pitching in where needed.

(Please hold all e-mails with suggestions, I have some pretty solid ideas).

As fate (or faith) would have it, just as I was thinking of the coming year and how I want it to look, I was also thinking of people who inspire me and how I could possibly strive to their caliber.

No sooner did I think this, than mail arrived from my faithful reader who blesses me unexpectedly each and every year. Now seven years into this mystery, a beautiful hand sketched envelope and card arrived with some kind words and a generous gift. Contrary to past years which I was given the task to pay it forward, this gift was specifically for me and my children with some beautiful Thanksgiving and Christmas wishes.

Here’s the crazy part, which is two-fold.

The first being as the holidays were approaching, I was thinking how much I’d love to take my kids out for a nice dinner. As funds become stretched and our schedules tight, I struggled a bit thinking of when and how we might be able to make this happen.

Then came the mail and the kindness of this reader who included (believe it or not) a gift card with that specific treat in mind. How? What? Really!!

Yes. Really.

Reflecting on the kindness of this reader and her impeccable timeliness I shared with my editor and a dear friend how I had just been thinking of this. Both amazed by this woman’s skill (my cards and envelopes are quite beautiful) and kindness they marveled at the mystery of “who was this?”

I honestly still don’t know and she’s asked that I respect that she wishes to remain anonymous, which I will.

This inspired where I’m going with all this. Of all the personal things I hope to better in the New Year this is one. How wonderful to do things from such a special place for others that recognition or acknowledgement is the furthest thing from your intention. Just simply giving and offering kindness because it’s that we should do … Period.

Now as we each look to the year ahead and think of how we might be better, healthier, happier, more financially secure, let us not forget from where the real riches come. The bounty and blessing we may bestow upon others is indeed more valuable than anything else we might do.

Happy New Year!


Teresa Hammond is a staff reporter for The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News and The Escalon Times. She may be reached at or by calling 209-847-3021.