I’m not sure about the rest of our readers, but as our calendar turned to June I am finding myself in an odd place of conflict.
Before I get too far into this I am a mild weather kinda girl. Fall and spring are my favorite of the seasons, as temperatures don’t climb too high or too low and foliage for the most part is breathtaking. But without fail something seems to happen right around June. Spring fever has passed, the kids are out of school and I begin to long for pool time.
Yes, I know, in today’s day and age of PC (politically correct) statements, admitting I like being in the sun or better yet – having a tan – may concern readers. But, it’s true. I do enjoy sun-kissed skin, highlights in my hair and the feeling of the warmth on my skin. Contrary to our anti-cancer concerns, Vitamin D (served best by the sun) is actually food for us physically and mentally. Like all things, it’s just about balance.
This year however I’m truly conflicted. As I wish the clouds would blow over, my head goes to rain. Rain. Yes, rain. A few of you may recall this weather pattern, we’ve long been void of. Once upon a time the sky used to open up for days, sometimes weeks at a time and release water onto the earth. We called this rain. It was and still is a necessary source for our air quality, crops, water sources and well ... just about everything.
So as we approach a summer with drought conditions, it’s hard to not wince when I think of pool time or any other summer activity. We did after all miss an entire season, or two.
As the title to this column states, I like to eat. When I say I like to eat, I don’t just mean from necessity, I also mean from pure joy of food. Summer fruit most especially.
The tricky part to all of this is that I also like money. My money, in my bank to be more precise. Yet I recognize as drought conditions continue, as water continues to be disregarded for the scarcity it holds, we as a society have a problem. Prices of everything will go up. Supply and demand dictates price and our lack of water holds large ramifications on our food sources.
As I selfishly think of my love of food – fresh produce and quality meats – I can’t help but wonder how many I know and love are taking this seriously.
As parents, I find it funny what lessons we choose to teach our children to empower them. We tell them to dream big. We model selfless behavior in hopes that they will learn to be the same. We even share with them the teachings of leaders, individuals who acted on behalf of a specific group or cause and as result changed the world.
Yet, when it comes to water, this necessary commodity, many of us fail. We don’t look at the big picture of how we are living. How we can be more responsible within our own household and not because we are being charged for liquid gold, but rather because of its overall intrinsic value.
The simple things, the everyday uses. Not keeping the water running while brushing our teeth, timed showers over luxurious baths or even reusing the water we use to boil eggs or pasta.
Personally, I’ve tried making it a game with my duo. Challenging them on being both more efficient and less wasteful. One of my two has jumped on the ‘if it’s yellow let it mellow’ campaign used during the drought of my childhood, while the other is a bit more resistant.
There is nothing comfortable or convenient about navigating through scarcity, but that’s life. Whether it be scarcity of funds, after a tough month of child related expenses and car troubles or scarcity of water. We must all figure out how to navigate, not solely for ourselves but for the greater good … for us all.
In the end it truly gets back to that one simple statement … I like to eat.
Teresa Hammond is a staff reporter for The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News and The Escalon Times. She may be reached at thammond@oakdaleleader.com or by calling 847-3021.