Dear Editor,
I was disappointed in coverage by The Oakdale Leader of the December 20th Oakdale City Council meeting as reported (Dec. 22 issue). The meeting was much more than a dustup between two council members. Unreported was the considerable city business conducted beginning with a report on the activities of the Family Support Network, by the Director, on their work with the under-served in Oakdale. Councilman Jason Howard led the council through discussions of several consent items related to how the city is now committed to spending money to correct past mistakes by city departments. Oakdale Fire Chief Mike Botto made a detailed presentation on the results of an Oakdale fire investigation conducted by several area fire chiefs. All in all it was a meeting chock full of informative discussions on how the city works and at what cost. All of these items impact the city budget. I believe the meeting was worthy of front page coverage but for the content of the meeting rather than inter-council member wrangling. I hope The Leader will better cover the real issues and decisions facing the council as they work to solve the many challenges ahead.
Robert Taylor