All in the community are encouraged to attend and join in on Sunday, July 8 as the Oakdale Oddfellows 228 host a community service project at the Oakdale Post Office.
Time for the event is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will feature the painting of decorative rocks to be placed in a rock garden outside the post office on California Avenue. You can bring a rock or paint one that they will provide. All painting equipment will be provided as well, though participants can bring their own if they prefer.
This is intended to be a project to brighten up the rock garden at the local post office and Oddfellows spokeswoman Carol Earle said they are encouraging all kids, “big and small” – old and young – to come take part in the fun project.
Oakdale Oddfellows meet the first Thursday of the month at the Odd Fellow Building, 110 N. Yosemite Ave., and new members are always welcome.
Contact Earle at 209-380-6288 for more information.