Birthday greetings for August go out to: Jeremy Page, Ellen Wearin, Dave Rorabaugh, Sherry Schlegel, Monica Brockman, Dustin Holcomb, Kyle Hauskens, Gwyn Davis, Jasmine Derrick, Mario Arias, Ray Patton, Jenna Armario, Tyden Baker, Brandi Cardey, Eden Cassinetto, Austin Santillo, Eron Roen, Taylor Hobbs, Brendt Noon Jr, Nancy Simons, Sara Harris, Elijah Van Brunt, Aubrey Mendonca, Marina Braaton, Hayden Cassaretto, Tate Cassaretto, Elmer Raphael, Grace Harden, Dakota Voortman, Braden Sousa, Destiny Machado, Alondra Machado and Trexler Porter.
Will Haskell-Kelly is laid up with a spiral fracture to his right femur. He was doing a trick on the trampoline and landed with his body going one way and his leg going the other. He will be off his feet for at least three months. He is staying at his mom’s home. This happened the day before he was to be in Wakely Konburg’s wedding. Since he is not able to get around visitors are welcome.
Hurry and heal that leg Will!
Don’t forget the Community Club meeting August 7th (tomorrow) at 7:00 p.m. It is a dessert meeting.
The Shearer ranch has not seen the rattlesnake lately (I’m still not gardening) but has found three small gopher snakes by the house, dead. We don’t know if the cats are getting them (only head damage) or the peacocks are killing them and the cats are bringing them in. This is the most snakes in one month that we have seen in our 35 years on the ranch.