Congratulations to Columbia Junior College graduates who went to Knights Ferry School, Grant Wright and Daniel Gazdik.
Tristan Voortman is sporting a banged up chin. He split it open and the Emergency Room glued it closed!
Condolences go out to the Malcom family on the passing of Bev Malcom. There will be a celebration of life on Saturday, May 11th at the Knights Ferry Odd Fellows Hall at 11:00 a.m. The Malcom family used to live and work at the Rancho Del Rio Estanislaus.
Orange Blossom 4-H Reporter Emma Morales tells of an upcoming yard sale on May 11th on Dillwood. They are looking for donated items to sell. If interested in donating, call Kellie or Emma at 614-1931.The funds raised will be used for costs that occur for camp, Cal Focus, projects and more. Anything not sold will be donated to charity unless otherwise arranged. If you have nothing to donate, come by and shop!
Gordon and Michel Griesner have killed their first rattlesnake this year.
Jim and Diane Boyer and friends motored to Indio, California for a few days where they took in the sights.
Some local folks were having their annual campfire campout when a couple left and were coming out of Church Springs Road where they were stopped by a Game Warden. They were made to throw out the car keys and kneel on the ground at gunpoint with hands outstretched. They accused them of hunting deer with a spotlight. When they found the picnic remains they let them go. What an experience!
At the Knights Ferry Community Club meeting, Carol Davis read the minutes from the first meeting of the club. That was 90 years ago! In January 1923, dues were $1.00. She also showed the Centennial Cookbook from 1948 that raised money for the addition to the clubhouse (the kitchen area). Also on the agenda was a discussion of having a free movie night for families. It was decided to have one June 11th at dusk.
Thanks from your reporter for your sympathy on mom’s death.