Great news! The Knights Ferry Odd Fellows are bringing their monthly pancake breakfast back in July! They will serve their breakfast in disposable containers and people can sit outside on the tennis courts or they can take their breakfasts to-go. Go support our local Odd Fellows and enjoy breakfast on July 5th from 8am-12pm.
Anxiety loomed over Knights Ferry on Thursday, June 4th when locals spotted a large cloud of smoke in the general direction of the Covered Bridge. A fire started on the South-East side of the Covered Bridge. It continued in the South-East direction toward the Army Corp Maintenance Facility near the highway. The fire moved to the highway but was met by numerous firemen, engines, bulldozers, and planes dropping fire retardant. Thursday was the hottest day of the week and the fire began during the hottest part of the day hitting over 100 degrees! Fire protection is incredibly important in our area and our town was blessed to have the local fire station open on Thursday. Thank you to all the fire protection crews for your dedication and hard work. It was a sight to see the water trucks, the helicopters, the planes, fire trucks, crew members buzzing around to put out the fire. According to the Tuolumne-Calaveras CAL FIRE unit, the fire consumed a total of 44 acres.
The Oakdale Fire Protection District is hosting a workshop to discuss the future of the Oakdale Fire Protection District on June 11th at 5pm in the Community Club. They are looking for solutions to keep and improve the fire protection in our area. Be a part of the solution to keep our fire protection!
Contact Nastasia Sweet at