February birthdays: Bob Muller, Steve Feichter, Makena Mendonca, River McCarthy, Jaycee Harden, John Phefferle, Shaela Borba, Brendan Finn, Ed Cassinetto, Bill Telfair, Bernie Foster, Tim Hudelson, Ed Viohl, Jake Martinelli, Holly Hixon, Matthew Wolf, Lily Sturtevant, Jaden Jackson, Olivia Doshas, Heaven Tucker, Isaac Sousa, Mikali Willis, Allison Blanc, Austin Sherley, and Betty Irvine (Robuck)! Happiest of birthdays to everyone!
With the beautiful weather picking up, visitors come to enjoy the beautiful Knights Ferry scenery. We love visitors but we hope they remember to pay the parking fee to enter the park and pick up their garbage!
It is such a beautiful area and it kills us to see that people are doing their gender reveals and leaving their garbage behind. Please pass the word to our friends and family who might come to visit soon.
There have been countless inquiries about our annual town events such as Peddler’s Faire and the Car Show but the committees are waiting patiently to make any final decisions. These activities require county approval and the committees are working closely to make the best of the circumstances! Please be patient and understanding to anyone who is doing their best to plan these events.
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com.