Improvements are coming to the Gray Lodge Wildlife Area in Butte County.
Hosting some 80,000 visitors each year, Gray Lodge is one of the most heavily visited and used wildlife areas in the state, and construction work will restrict some public access over the next several months.
Work began the week of June 15, 2020, on the auto tour loop on the west side of the wildlife area near Parking Lot 14. The auto tour loop and some nearby hiking trails will be closed during this construction period, which is expected to conclude around the first week in October, reopening in time for bird watching during peak fall and winter migrations.
Crews will regrade the steep slopes on the auto tour roadway to improve safety and add additional turnouts for wildlife viewing and passing. The pond bottoms along the auto tour loop will be reshaped to improve water movement and habitat management. The work is being funded through a $1.4 million grant from the state Wildlife Conservation Board.
Over this same period, crews will also construct a mobility impaired fishing pier on the pond adjacent to Parking Lot 14 thanks to another $310,000 Wildlife Conservation Board grant. The pier will provide fishing access to the public throughout the spring and summer months when the wildlife area is open to fishing. For questions or additional information, contact Gray Lodge directly at (530) 846-7500.
CDFW reminds Californians to abide by all state and local health guidelines regarding non-essential travel and physical distancing.