The public is invited to shop for succulents in planters, spring flowers and other plants while helping students at Redwood School learn valuable vocational skills at the semi-annual Greenhouse Sale at the school on Friday, April 13. Students at the school tend the plants in the greenhouse throughout the school year as part of their education. The school is at 3555 Wilmarth Road, Stockton. The sale runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
At the Greenhouse Sale, the students hone their skills by interacting with customers and handling transactions.
The cost of plants offered at the sale range from $5 to $40. Money raised from the sale helps support the ongoing maintenance of the greenhouse, including purchasing the soil, pots, plant starters, tools, and other necessary materials.
The Greenhouse Sale is also supported by volunteers from the Junior League of San Joaquin, who provided pots and plants, helped maintain the garden, and have been assisting with the organization of the sale.
Redwood School is a special education site operated by the San Joaquin County Office of Education for students ages 6 to 22 with severe disabilities. Students in the school learn vocational skills that will help them live more independently in their adult life. The greenhouse at Redwood School is a facility used as vocational training for students who are severely handicapped and supports the school’s curriculum. While selling the greenhouse plants, Redwood students will learn customer-service and other skills that they will need to develop for future jobs.