Dear Editor,
I am asking family, friends, neighbors and all residents of Oakdale to please vote YES on “Measure Y” on Nov. 4. Oakdale voters in 2011, passed a ballot measure (Measure O) increasing the sales tax by one half cent. Measure Y will merely extend that sales tax for a few more years. It is not an additional tax.
I am a volunteer in the community (Senior Outreach) and see the importance of Measure Y. The senior citizens are targeted by scam artist, are abused and the majority are alone. They should be reassured that when they call for help that someone (police or fire) will be there to save the day!
The money from the measure passed in 2011 funds almost 20 percent of the city’s budget. Without these funds the city will have to consider filing bankruptcy and without question close the Senior Center, Community Center, turn off streetlights, and lay off police and fire personnel.
A few months back when every other streetlight in my neighborhood was shut off, I refused to go outside for evening walks or even walk my small dog. Senior citizens complained about the homeless lurking in the shadows at dusk. It will be getting darker earlier and many will need to be out running errands. I want to know that my city is well staffed with police officers and fire personnel to handle any situation that arises. As well as all street lights on!
While the economy is slowly improving and revenue from property taxes are up slightly we still must be very dependent on the sales tax revenue generated from Measure O.
It is imperative that the voters of Oakdale vote YES on Measure Y come November 4. Please join the many senior citizens and I who are supporting Measure Y.
Lupe Aguilera