We are so happy to send Congratulations to two very special people, soon to be “Mr. and Mrs.” Michael Brazil.
Michael Brazil and Sierra Bryhni grew up just a few miles away from each other in Escalon and Oakdale. Their paths did not cross until 2013. In 2013 they met at a friend’s wedding, right down the road from where their wedding reception will be held. They danced to Sammy Kershaw and have been together ever since!
Sierra and Michael bonded over their love of cattle, the western lifestyle, and the ‘90s country music. They share the same values and beliefs and most importantly they are firmly rooted in their faith. They love spending time with friends and family and they especially cherish family get-togethers on the ranch.
Michael works on the family dairy farm, and Sierra works as a registered nurse. As we all know “every successful cowboy has a wife with a good paying job in town!” Michael and Sierra got engaged on October 12, 2022 while hauling hay on the back of the family ranch.
They have plans to be married April 29, 2023 at St. Mary’s Church in Oakdale. Their reception will be held at the Brazil Family Ranch, where they got engaged and have had so many special moments. They cannot wait to begin their story together, establish a place in the country and enjoy the sunsets from front porch rocking chairs.
Sierra and Michael, we send you best wishes for a wonderful and blessed life together. Congratulations to the future Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brazil!
As we turn to recent events here in Valley Home, we would like to send a huge thank you to all who purchased spaghetti dinners last Friday. Your support of our Valley Home Community Park means our little park will continue to thrive! It is such a beautiful part of our community. We are very grateful to those who take care of this very special treasure. You are very much appreciated.
Our Valley Home students traveled to Gratton School to participate in the Spelling Bee. All did a wonderful job; a lot of late nights studying. Congratulations to all, we will be announcing the winner’s name in next week’s column.
Please remember to mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 12. Our Valley Home MAC (Municipal Advisory Council) will meet at 6:30 pm in the Bonnie Gellerman Multi-Purpose Room (our school gym). This is a very, very important meeting. We will do our best to keep it short, on track, and filled with very important information. Each of you are invited and encouraged to attend. We will have a presentation on the fentanyl crisis hitting close to home. Our neighborhood is on the agenda for all who would like to address the noise issue; also at our meeting will be our Stanislaus County Supervisor Buck Condit, our Valley Home School Superintendent Bill Slikker, our Fire Department, our CHP, and our Stanislaus County Sheriff. Please come, bring any questions, concerns or compliments you may have. Our public officials are always happy to answer your questions.
This week, I would like to send a very heartfelt thank you to Debby Sanguinetti! Debby, I will treasure the beautiful Valley Home Cookbook you placed in my hands. This amazing cookbook has not only delicious recipes inside; it has the history of our beautiful Valley Home community. Over the years I have received many phone calls regarding this beloved cookbook. We will definitely try to get copies made; I know you are excited to hear this, Julie Rivera! It is a really special cookbook and history book combined. I am very blessed to have received this precious gift. Debby, I cannot tell you how much this means to me. Thank you for your amazing kindness … I will truly treasure it!
As always you may reach me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time … “Happy Trails to All!”