Happy New Year to each of you. I hope you all are richly blessed in the coming year!
It was an interesting New Year’s Eve in Valley Home. Rain, rain and more rain! Much needed rain, but lots of it. I always enjoy the Christmas lights that my son-in-law Scott works so hard to put up; this year all the rain made them sparkle and glitter even more. They were so pretty; it makes me feel sad when it’s time for them to come down. If it were up to me, I would leave them up all year. Yes, I am one of those people; I love those bright sparkling lights.
This year as we gathered at Scott, Tena and granddaughter Jenna’s house, the much needed rain brought worries that the creek below the house would overflow its banks. Normally it’s just a peaceful little creek that flows very gently along the front of the pasture. This year on New Year’s Eve it was raining so hard as my sister Lin and I made our way from our little house to the Heaton’s house, even in the dark, early evening you could see the creek was rising really, really fast. The path we were walking on was dark, muddy and slippery. About halfway down to their house we realized we should have taken them up on their offer to come pick us up. But, no, we thought we were hearty and full of strength and vigor; we wanted to enjoy that walk in the rain. Let’s just say maybe I learned another lesson … this month I will be 72 years old … maybe I need to realize I need to be a bit more careful. We actually made it down the lane to their home; it’s really only a short way there. I was once again grateful to a son-in-law who works so hard putting up those beautiful glittering Christmas lights! That short walk in the rain reminded me of how blessed by our mighty God I am to be able to be here this year; to feel the rain, to be here to see those pretty Christmas lights, to hear the little creek’s rushing water, even in the cold night air I felt so blessed. Last year at this time I remember at midnight, I sat up in my hospital bed and watched the New Year’s Eve celebration; fireworks going off, folks enjoying life together. A heart attack had put me in the hospital right after Christmas; I am blessed to be here! We all have things in our lives that are great and we all have some things that aren’t so great … good days and not so good days. I hope 2023 brings each of you a wonderful and blessed year!
Each year I share with you how much fun we have celebrating grandson Cooper’s birthday at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Yes, we threw confetti and had a sparkling glass of apple cider to celebrate, but it doesn’t seem possible to this old grandma that grandson Cooper turned 16 at midnight. Happy Birthday, Cooper … Valley Home has a new driver. Grandson Cody has handed Papa’s Dodge Ram over to Coop. Cody has worked, saved his money and has bought himself a nice truck. Granddaughter Jenna is doing well, and granddaughter Millie is enjoying her sixth grade year at our Valley Home School. A very heartfelt thank you to those of you who continue to look out for my grandchildren, helping them along the way. Papa is smiling down from Heaven, I am sure. And yes, by the time our midnight celebration came around, the creek had overflowed its banks … it was definitely quite a New Year’s Eve in Valley Home!
As I count my blessings, I would also like to take this time to say thank you to each of you for your prayers this past year. Daughter Beci is doing well after brain surgery, many challenges; she is scheduled for another brain surgery. Your prayers helped her through. Please keep Beci and our family in your prayers. I will continue to pray for God’s blessings for each of you.
For those of you who have suffered unbearable loss this year, I am so very sorry … may God bring comfort to your broken hearts.
God’s blessings to all in 2023!