Toastmasters Session
Riverbank welcomes the REO Speechtrain Toastmasters Club for regular meetings every Wednesday morning, 6:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., at Perko’s Cafe, Patterson and Oakdale roads, Riverbank. This is a fun way to learn the self-confidence and skills needed for public speaking. All are invited to come and check out the group. The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 15. For more information, call (209) 614-8462.
Movies Under The Stars
Oakdale Family Resource and Counseling Center (OFRC) will host Inside Out for the first Movie Under the Stars event in Cottles Woods Park at dusk on Saturday, June 18. This is the first of three Movie Under the Stars events, the next two taking place July 16 and Aug. 20. The July movie will be a showing of Minions and the August feature will be a showing of Norm of the North. All three events will be in Cottles Woods Park with the show beginning at dusk. All summer long, the OFRC will be holding a backpack supplies drive. Donations of school supplies will be collected at each event. The summer Movie Under the Stars series is sponsored by Center for Human Services-Oakdale Family Resource and Counseling Center in partnership with the City of Oakdale, Kiwanis, Oakdale Rotary and David Verdegaal Farming Inc.
Annual Garden Club Fundraiser
The Oakdale Garden Club’s Annual Scholarship Fundraiser will be hosted on Tuesday, June 21. Doors open at 11 a.m.; lunch at noon. The event features a Salad Bar Luncheon, plant sale and silent auction. It will be held at the Gene Bianchi Community Center, 110 S. Second Ave., Oakdale. Tickets are $8 per person or $90 for a table of 8. Tickets are available from Club Members or at the door. Proceeds from the event fund scholarships for local high school graduates pursuing degrees in horticulture. For additional information contact Bob Taylor at (209) 848-8746 or visit