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Letter To The Editor 6-19-19
Pride And Comfort
american flag

Dear Editor,

Friday, June 14, I drove through Oakdale and saw the American Flags fluttering in a welcome breeze.

Thank you, Oakdale Lions Club members for your faithful remembrance of Flag Day – June 14; for getting up early in the morning, loading flags on trucks, dodging traffic throughout  town as you place flags in sidewalk locations – then reversing the order of action late in the afternoon. Appreciation also to the local merchants who donate each year to this project.

Thanks also to the members of the Oakdale Lions, their Leo Club and individuals who on Memorial Day, placed over 800 American flags on the graves of Veterans buried at the Oakdale Citizens Cemetery. As our Nation recognized the 75th Anniversary of World War II’s D-DAY, this year’s remembrance took on special meaning.

Each day, we seem to be assaulted with a lot of swirling craziness. Seeing our Nation’s flag flying in the breeze brings a bit of comfort to me. I hope it does to you as well. God Bless America, and the people who still support our country’s values.


Melinda Owen