Orange Blossom 4-H members made Valentine’s Day cards for the Oak Valley Care Center and Astoria Care Center in Oakdale. Cailee Flood, Molly Terpstra, Brooklyn Vessels, and Kira Vessels participated in the Stanislaus County Presentation Day. The team received a gold medal and will advance to the Central Area Presentation Day in Mariposa in April!
The whole town was on edge after a late light altercation led to the police searching for a man armed with a machete. He was accused of stabbing a local community member and was hiding somewhere in town. He was arrested the following morning.
Knights Ferry School students celebrated Valentine’s Day with class parties planned by the teachers and room parents. The fourth graders played a game similar to “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” that they called “Kiss the Grandma” and they had to place lip stickers on a poster with grandma’s face! The kindergarteners were busy decorating cookies, making necklaces, and noshing on cupcakes and pizza! Their room mom even fashioned balloon animals for each kindergartener.
Congratulations to Eden Cassinetto for receiving the Odd Fellow’s college scholarship!
Contact Nastasia Sweet with items for this column at
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Wednesday, February 21 at 7:30pm Odd Fellows Bald Mtn meeting #4