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Kimberly's Book Reviews
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DeletSpecial Agent’s Perfect Cover
Publisher: Harlequin
Romantic Suspense
ISBN: 037327758X

When I was looking for a new book to read and review, I came across the first in the “Perfect, Wyoming” continuity series and I knew it would be a good candidate. Why, you ask? Well, for one, I could read it quickly and right now my life is hectic so a fast, easy read is optimal; second, I’d always wanted to read a book by the prolific Ms. Maria Ferrarella; and third, I was a part of this continuity and I couldn’t wait to see how the preceding and subsequent stories turned out.

The Blurb: “What have they done to you?” Cold Plains, Wyoming, should be a ghost town. Then why are its once-decaying streets gleaming? And why are there only beautiful, smiling Stepford-like wives in those streets? Hawk Bledsoe wants to know…because the woman who broke his heart seems to be one of them.
Carly Finn is stunned to see Hawk return to town as an FBI agent tracking a serial killer. Hawk doesn’t know why she once ended their romance so cruelly — or how much Carly sacrificed for him. But now the two must risk their lives to expose the town’s monstrous secret. And danger only revives the desire both try their hardest to resist…

My Take: There’s a reason Ms. Ferrarella writes 10 — yes, count them — books a year; it’s because she has a gift for captivating story-telling. The editors at Harlequin were wise in putting Ferrarella at the helm of this continuity because she kicks off the series with a bang. The writing is smooth, like expensive chocolate, but unlike chocolate, this guilty pleasure will simply delight. The series will run consecutively starting in January. I can’t wait to pick up the next in the series, Rancher’s Perfect Baby Rescue, by Linda Conrad in February!

Kimberly Van Meter, romance novelist, offers reviews (her opinion) on current fiction-length, traditionally published novels that catch her fancy.