Dear Editor,
I am a Park Ranger with the Army Corps of Engineers at Stanislaus River Parks in Knights Ferry. I would like to acknowledge the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge #170 in Knights Ferry for becoming a partner with the Army Corps to co-sponsor the Kid’s Fishing Fun Day event held every year for the last eight years at the Horseshoe Recreation Area pond.
The Kids Fishing Day event main emphasis is on educating kids on the importance of natural resources preservation, water conservation, water safety and proper outdoor ethics.
The goal is to reach kids that have never had the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of outdoor recreation. The PAL, Police Activities Youth League, of Stanislaus County provides the urban, inner city kids for the event each year. Our objective is to provide possible alternatives to the drugs, the guns and the violence the kids see as part of their everyday lives in the inner cities.
The activities include: a fly casting demonstration from a local fishing guide, a fish imprinting Art Deco program called Gyotaka, an animal tracks station with assorted animal pelts, skulls and molds of actual animal tracks provided by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation from New Melones Lake. Lastly, we provide a water safety demonstration to instruct the kids on the importance of being safe in and around the water while recreating.
With great partnerships like the Independent Odd Fellows, local clubs can give back to their local communities by partnering with our local government agencies to build a better future for our kids.
Park Ranger Norm Winchester
Stanislaus River Parks