Dear Editor,
Oakdale Irrigation District has been around for over a hundred years and I suspect it will be around for many years to come. Here in Oakdale we are proud of our irrigation district. We employ the best, most dedicated employees you could possibly find. We provide jobs, support the local economy, and provide excellent irrigation services and all at one of the lowest rates in the industry. As we enter our fourth year of drought we can look back and see how fortunate we are to have had little or no curtailment on irrigation water. This is not an anomaly but comes about because of good planning, the implementation of water conservation practices, and the dedication of our employees.
Oakdale Irrigation District is an intricate part of the Oakdale community. We have been very supportive of local schools, non-profits, youth groups, environmental endeavors and many other venues including partnering with the City of Oakdale on a variety of projects. This has been not only a financial participation but on the ground support and involvement by our employees on their own time.
I have to ask, what was the purpose of the Modesto Bee’s recent editorial (Feb. 22), to embarrass OID, its employees, our community? Well it did not accomplish that! We are a proud organization and the printed attack does not set well or go down easy in this town. Oh for sure, there are the naysayers who dislike OID and probably just loved what was printed. But believe me they are in the minority.
No one is more cognizant than the current Board of Directors of the fact that OID belongs to every single person who lives within its boundaries. To suggest that it is like “a private club” is an insult and totally inappropriate. This to me is the opinion of a few who have only infrequently been to an OID Board meeting or might have driven through Oakdale on their way to the mountains.
The satire the Bee used in the editorial was not witty at all but met by most people here in Oakdale with disgust and wonderment.
Frank Clark, Director
Oakdale Irrigation District