Many To Thank For Contributions
Dear Editor,
The Oakdale Citizens Cemetery recently held a Volunteer Work Day. We were very appreciative of the group of people who came out to help us tackle some major projects before Veterans Day. Unfortunately we failed to get address information from the volunteers so we were unable to thank them properly. Please print their names for us so they can be acknowledged.
Special thanks to John Machado, Shirley Watson, Leonard Terpstra, Bill Morris, Ben Morris, Carol Puckett, Robert Puckett, Lester Jenkins, and Jesse and Amy Velasco and their children – Jaxx, Jozie and Jameson. Several of the group who came to help us are members of Oakdale’s Sunrise Rotary Club and we appreciate their organization’s support.
We also thank, Jim Banducci and Maggie Banducci, who have been helping us by replacing and rehabbing irrigation lines on our grounds – and, Alice Garcia and her children, who spend many hours at OCC – maintaining family areas.
Oakdale Citizens Cemetery also has a new sign at our entrance at 5th and J streets – courtesy of Boy Scout Calvin Hunter who built the sign as his Eagle Scout project.
The OCC Board of Directors appreciates all the support – named and unnamed – that we are receiving from citizens of our communities. Thank you all. Please don’t stop – we need you!
Melinda Owen,
Board Secretary