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Letters To The Editor 10-23-19
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Reasons To Support Measure


Dear Editor,

Measure H will be on the ballot this November. It is not a new tax. It was previously called Measure Y which passed in 2014 with 70.2 percent in favor of the half-cent sales tax by the voters of Oakdale. Measure Y helped the city refill six police officers and three firefighters. The revenue collected is approximately $1,900,000 annually or 16 percent of the City’s General Fund income. There is a Citizens Oversight Committee that reviews all expenditures. The committee has confirmed that the city has been transparent and has spent all funds appropriately. Please join me in voting YES on Measure H so we can continue to preserve our public safety services which include street lighting, senior services at the Senior Center and keeping streets swept.

Gina McCarty,

Business Owner

Love Oakdale City Leader

Oakdale Tourism Visitors Bureau Secretary



Keep Our Community Strong


Dear Editor,

Our family has lived in Oakdale for over 75 years and have seen the town grow from a little farming community to a very diverse and prosperous one. We are fortunate to have great schools, dedicated public servants, and caring and actively involved community organizations. We can be so proud of our Oakdale.

However, it was only a few years back that the City was on the brink of going broke. A poor economy and several other factors were taking us down a pathway of uncertainty. Reduced city services, laid off fire personnel and police officers, and the reduction of public access to the Senior Center, recreational facilities, and other public service programs.

Once again, the citizens of Oakdale rose to the occasion and promoted and passed a one-half cent sales tax measure. This simple and relatively low financial impact on the community saved the day.

We currently have fully staffed public services to include fire and police and senior services. We live in a wonderful little town that we can be so proud of.

That tax measure that saved the community only a few years back is due to expire next year. We feel the one-half cent tax we have been paying has created no harm or hardships for anyone in Oakdale. To the contrary it has kept the City strong, healthy and prosperous.

There will be a measure on the ballot come this November that will extend the current half cent sales tax. It is imperative that the community come together and pass Measure H in November.

Now is not the time to move backwards but the time to continue to move ahead. Remember this is not a new or additional tax but only an extension of an existing tax you are already paying.

Vote Yes On Measure H.

Frank B. Clark

Marilyn D. Clark