Here are some of the activities going on at Stanislaus State in Turlock. A schedule of Stan State events can be found on the University Events calendar. View Online:
Warriors Selected for NextGen on Board
A dozen Stanislaus State Warriors are getting hands-on experience in nonprofit organization leadership by participating in the NextGen on Board program, a partnership between the Stanislaus Community Foundation (SCF) and the nonprofit Youth Leadership Institute (YLI). The program recruits, trains and places the next generation of diverse leaders on local nonprofit boards.
Activists Ready for their Close-Ups
The passions of Stanislaus State student activists fighting against white supremacy and for inclusion and a space of their own are documented in the new film, “List of Demands,” which premiered last month in the Library. The title refers to the 11 actionable recommendations student activists presented to Stan State leadership as they worked toward a safer, more inclusive campus beginning in 2015.
Deadline Nears for Award Nominations
Students, staff, faculty and administrators are eligible to be nominated for three newly created Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Awards to be presented in Spring 2023. The deadline is Dec. 1 for nominations for the three awards: Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities (RSCA), Community Outreach and Leadership and Campus Impact.
Statewide Employment Program
Stanislaus State is participating in a new statewide program that pays underrepresented students at public colleges and universities to work in qualifying part-time jobs that align with their educational and career goals. Called the Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP), the program allows eligible students to earn up to $6,000 a year to defray their educational costs while expanding their knowledge in their field of study.