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Residents Offer Salute At Veterans Day Events
Grateful Community
Saddle 1115
Leading the way in the Saturday, Nov. 11 parade to mark Veterans Day in Oakdale were members of the Oakdale Saddle Club, as other entries get ready to fall in line behind them. Jeff Kettering/The Leader
Salute 1115
A local Boy Scout stands at attention to salute the flag during the Veterans Day program hosted at Fish Park in Oakdale following the conclusion of the Saturday morning parade. Jeff Kettering/The Leader

Veterans took center stage on Saturday, Nov. 11 as residents in the Oakdale area set aside some time to pause, reflect, and honor their service and sacrifice.

A mid-morning parade stepped off with the Oakdale Saddle Club in the lead and a number of other entries joining in, following a route from the FES Hall on North Lee to Pontiac, heading west on Pontiac to the stopping point at Fish Park.

There, other events were planned, including a program with remarks from some city and county officials. Among them were Oakdale City Council member Fred Smith and Stanislaus County District 1 Supervisor Buck Condit, who represents Oakdale and Riverbank on the county board.

Other dignitaries on hand were Oakdale Mayor Cher Bairos and City Manager Bryan Whitemyer. Mayor Bairos also provided acknowledgement for veteran-owned businesses in the area during the program.

The local Boy Scout Troop 43 conducted a Flag Retirement Ceremony as part of the Nov. 11 observance. Flags that are considered too worn or damaged to display any longer are ‘retired’ and the process includes burning them. They performed the retirement for the crowd gathered at Fish Park.

As in past years, following the parade and ceremony, those in attendance at the park were treated to a hot dog lunch.

Organizers were pleased with the turnout and the weather also cooperated, with sunny skies and temperatures in the low 70s helping create the perfect backdrop for the festivities.

Flag 1115
Part of the Veterans Day program in Oakdale on Saturday, Nov. 11 was a Flag Retirement Ceremony hosted by the local Scout Troop. The ceremony requires that flags not suitable for display anymore are disposed of by burning. Jeff Kettering/The Leader