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Military banner project taking applications
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It’s a project which has been in the works for quite some time, yet is now coming to fruition.

Thanks to the leadership of Pacific Project Heroes President J.R. McCarty, as well as his board, the Military Banner Project is going full force.

Earlier this month the organization received approval from the Oakdale City Council to implement the hardware needed to hang a total of 32 banners of photos of local military personnel on North Third Avenue.

“Now that everything’s back to normal and people are living their lives as they should be we decided to go forward with this project,” McCarty said of the project first considered by the organization close to five years ago.

McCarty further shared he’s seen similar projects implemented in other Valley towns and felt it was due time for the City of Oakdale to show their pride in their men and women serving this country.

“We decided now’s the time to go forward. We decided to do it on Third Avenue for this moment,” he stated. “There are different phases that we want on this project that we hope will eventually happen. But Third Avenue was our main focus, because it’s a beautiful new road.”

The extensively renovated downtown street has become a showpiece in the community.

“I think these banners will make the road pop even more with people shopping every day and then the Morning Market,” he continued. “People will be able to see how patriotic the City of Oakdale is to support our service members and our Veterans.”

Guidelines for nominees to be placed on display are: they must be able to verify the nominee is a resident or native of Oakdale; proof of active duty or veteran status and a proper military photo which will be used on the banner.

“We want to celebrate our hometown heroes,” McCarty said.

While donations are highly encouraged, they are not required for the nominee to be considered. Banner honorees will be determined by a first come, first served basis. The deadline for submission is Friday, April 12 at 5 p.m.

Banners will be hung along Third Avenue from Memorial Day through Veterans Day.

“It helps offset the banners,” McCarty said of donations, noting that Pacific Project Heroes will incur the cost. “What costs the most is the hardware. We’re paying for all the hardware. The hardware to hold the banners for the sixteen poles. So, it just kind of helps out a little bit. No one will be turned away if they don’t sponsor a banner. That’s not our goal.”

McCarty also shared nominations may be submitted by friends, family members or the service member themselves, as long as the guidelines are met.

“I believe we as a nation need to show out support of our military a lot more,” he said. “The men and women who sacrifice their lives for our freedoms. We want to express how much we care and love and support them.”

Persons interested in submitting an application will find the form on the organization’s Facebook page, Pacific Project Heroes, which has a link for the nomination form. There is an additional link which may be printed for those interested in submitting a nomination through the mail.

Any questions may be directed to McCarty at 209-985-7567 or Katie Jaycox via e-mail or 209-985-3832.

Applications may be mailed to: Pacific Project Heroes, PO Box 11730, Oakdale, CA 95361.