Birthday greetings for the month of February go out to: Melissa Holcomb, Bob Muller, Steve Feichter, Makena Mendonca, River McCarthy, Jaycee Harden, John Pfefferle, Shaela Borba, Brendan Finn, Ed Cassinetto, Bill Telfair, Bernie Foster, Tim Hudelson, Ed Viohl, Holly Hixon, Matthew Wolf, Lily Sturtevant, Olivia Doshas, Dylan Anderson, Heaven Tucker, Austin Sherley, Mikali Willis, Johna Harris and Arijaan Bulk.
Kindergarten registration for Knights Ferry School will be held March 6th. The school is looking into having Kinders go all day. Please pass this information along to those who have children that will be Kindergarten age this fall. Call 881-3382 for more information.
The MAC meeting is February 27th at 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. Maybe there will be more information on the AT&T building remodel.
Gayle Higgins would like volunteers to help out with the Peddlers Faire April 27th. Contact her at 480-3602.
At the Knights Ferry School Board meeting there were items for information and three action items: teacher job description-passed, CSBA election-one elected, and the County no longer will pay for a school nurse so the Board approved paying for a nurse one day a month.
Knights Ferry Garden Club met at the home of Carol Davis and worked on scrapbooks.
The River’s Edge is nearing completion of their remodel. Look for it to open soon.
Helping celebrate the President’s birthdays, the Ice Cream Shop is featuring Birthday Cake ice cream!
Hope you have your tickets for the March 15th Dinner/Auction to benefit the school. They are $30 per person in advance and $35 at the door. They can be purchased at the school.